Feb 24, 2023Liked by Kristin McTiernan

Love this article. Faith is such a compelling force in our lives, it feels like such a rich vein for authors to tap into. Thank you for sharing.

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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Kristin McTiernan

This was a fantastic article! Thank you so much! This makes me think about when I became a born-again Christian at the age of twenty. My behavior before my salvation was completely different than my behavior afterward. This single event propelled my life in a totally different direction than I was headed before being convicted of my sin. My faith actually helped me incorporate that level of transformation into writing for my characters as well. This was 100% accurate, thanks so much! The X-Files was such a game-changer lol.

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I agree. In my writing project faith and the Catholic culture play a big part in my story.

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Muldner: "The Devil is the guy who tells you what you want to hear."

Well said: Come to think of it I wanted to hear that POV. Thanks Kristin... I think.

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